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Cette année, le Skillsharing-Camp aura lieu du 24/09-07/10 (ATTENTION: Des mauvaises dates ont été publiées avant). Afin de vous donner une idée vous pouvez trouver ici le programme provisoire. Provisoire signifie que les dates et les éléments individuels encore peuvent être, et probablement seront modifiés. Donc il vaut la peine de visiter le blog de temps en temps. Le programme des ateliers va jusqu’à et y compris le 2ème Octobre – après, vous êtes invité*s à vous défouler dans et autour de la forêt avec des activités de votre choix.
Toi aussi tu veux contribuer quelque-chose ? Nous te proposons à envoyer un mail avec ta date et heure préférée à: hambacherforstÄTriseup.net ou bien d’annoncer ton atelier spontanément pendant le camp.
Nous attendons avec impatience le camp et espérons que vous viendrez en grand nombre. Cette année, il n’y avait pas de dépliants, nous sommes donc d’autant plus dépendant*s de votre publicité pour le camp (internet, bouche-à-bouche …).
24/9 Samedi
16h30 – 19h00 Notions de base de la façon anarchiste de penser et d’agir
20h00 Réunion d’accueil
25/9 Dimanche
10h00 – 16h00 Des expériences positives avec faire de la politique et se rassurer réciproquement
16h30 – 19h00 Devenir clown
26/9 Lundi
14h00 – 16h00 DIY Brico de godemichés
14h00 – 16h00 Qu’est-ce et qu’est-ce que fait un ( Ermittlungsausschuss ) comité d’enquête ?
16h30 – 19h00 Asexualité – une introduction
21h00 Concert avec David Rovics
27/9 Mardi
10h00 – 13h00 Préparation pratique à la prison pour pour ceux-celles à être détenu*s
14h00 – 16h30 Soutien des prisonni*s et écriture de lettres
14h00 – 17h00 Pas de problème, ça va encore ? Ce que l’équipement d’escalade peut vraiment supporter
17h30 – 19h00 Les nœuds d’escalade et ce que vous pouvez faire avec eux (partie 1)
28/9 Mercredi
10h00 – 12h00 Science d’arbres
13h00 – 17h00 Contact avec les flics et les gens de la sécurité
17h30 – 19h00 Les nœuds d’escalade et ce que vous pouvez faire avec eux (partie 2)
13h00 – 16h00 Séance de remue-méninges Projet anti-autoritaire sur grande échelle 2017
21h00 Lecture avec Rehzi Malzahn « Comment maintenir l’activisme »
29/9 Jeudi
10h00 – 13h00 Photographie d’actions
14h00 – 17h00 Secourir des personnes impuissantes dans des situations d’escalade – Partie 1
14h00 – 17h00 Lecture « Contraception et prévention de maladies vénériennes »
21h00 Lecture sur l’anti-répression – Limitation des dégâts ou contre-attaque offensive ?
30/9 Vendredi
10h00 – 13h00 Construction de traverses
14h00 – 16h00 Secourir des personnes impuissantes dans des situations d’escalade. – Partie 2
14h00 – 19h00 Flirter sur la scène gauchiste
17h00 – 18h00 Dangereux? Je suis sécurisé* – Les risques de tomber au cours de l’escalade d’action.
1/10 Samedi
11h00 – 13h00 Queer Edge – une lecture
14h00 – 19h00 Comment représenter mes préoccupations de façon persistante et non-violente – mon propre rôle dans des conflits
14h00 – 17h00 Peindre et dessiner pour les enfants et tous les autres
2/10 Dimanche
10h00 – 13h00 Activisme? Oui, moi aussi j’ai fait ça… autrefois, dans ces deux ou trois ans sauvages
14h00 – 19h00 Masculinité critique
4/10 Mardi
Exercices de la pédagogie de nature sauvage
Lecture: Thèses – Changement de système, pas de changement climatique. Mais comment ?
Promis aussi, mais encore sans dates fixes:
- Menstruation – Un échange ouvert pour des personnes menstruantes
- La prise de décisions mixtes en groupe
- Film « La Buena Vida » ( La délocalisation d’un village dans le bassin houiller à ciel ouvert en Colombie )
- Auto-défense – art martial des Philippines
- Comment la communication peut réussir ?
- Maquillage contre la surveillance vidéo
- Des conseils juridiques avec avocat Mertens
- Construction de barricades
- Construction de cabanes en argile
- De l’activisme efficace par la santé ? La réflexion collective sur les avantages et l’importance d’une alimentation saine, d’une bonne condition et de l’hygiène
- Revolution en Rojava – Kourdistan Occidental ? Partage d’informations et discussion
- Survivre au delà de 25 – Faire face aux exigences de l’état, tels que l’assurance-maladie et d’autres. (Mais peut-être cela correspond également à l’atelier « vie sans argent »)
- Et ensuite, dans la Forêt de Hambach? Échange de perspectives, des préoccupations et des stratégies
- ### 09/24 Samedi ###
- ### 09/25 Dimanche ###
- ### 09/26/ Lundi ###
- ### 09/27/ Mardi ###
- ### 09/28/ Mercredi ###
- ### 09/29/ Jeudi ###
- ### 09/30 Vendredi ###
- ### 10/01/ Samedi ###
- ### 10/02/ Dimanche ###
- ### 10/4/ Mardi ###
- ### 24/9 Samedi ###
- ### 25/9 Dimanche ###
- ### 09/26/ Lundi ###
- ### 09/27/ TUESDAY ###
- ### 09/28/ Mercredi ###
- ### 09/29/ Jeudi ###
- ### 09/30 Vendredi ###
- ### 10/01/ Samedi ###
- ### 10/02/ Dimanche ###
- ### 10/4/ TUESDAY ###
### 09/24 Samedi ###
Bases de la manière anarchiste de penser et d’agir
16h30 – 19h00 Uhr
Avec le BildungsKollektiv e.V. http://biko.arranca.de/
Réunion d’accueil

Traduction en chantier
### 09/25 Dimanche ###
Des expériences positives avec faire de la politique et de se rassurer réciproquement
10h00 – 16h00
« And then they ran away from us… » – Workshop about positive experiences and reassurance with doing politics
« Hey, how was the demonstration? » So the conservation often starts. What went wrong? Who didn‘t come at all? Who bloked? And in the end there stays the question if all the running, freezing, the bruises, the printing of flyers, the preparation of speeches changed anything. If it’s the talk with your person in love or the last blockade – everything is political. In this workshop we will deal together with you with the positive aspects of doing politics, to reassure and motivate one another.
Avec Queer_topia*, le radical_queer_feminist_workshop_collective http://queertopia.blogsport.de/
16h30 – 19h00
Avec les Rote Nasen Ruhr.
### 09/26/ Lundi ###
DIY – Brico de godemichés
14h00 – 16h00
Dans cet atelier, nous voulons construire des godes à partir de truc que d’autres personnes appelleraient des déchets et ducktape ( bande adhésive toilée ) 🙂
Anti repression
14h00 – 16h00
Qu’est-ce et qu’est-ce que fait un Ermittlungsausschuss ( comité d’enquête ) ?
Avec AntiRRR: http://antirrr.blogsport.de/
Asexualité – une introduction
16h30 – 19h00
Avec Queer_topia*, dem radical_queer_feminist_workshop_collective http://queertopia.blogsport.de/
Concert avec David Rovics
### 09/27/ Mardi ###
Préparation pratique à la prison pour pour ceux-celles à être détenu*s
10h00 – 13h00
Holger Isabelle Jänicke, who has herself had the chance to gather quite some experience as a prisoner, will share tips for self-support and contact with other prisoners and supporters. The focus will be on practical and psychological aspects, but also some juridical hint will be given.
Soutien des prisonni*s et écriture de lettres
14h00 – 16h30
Also with Holger Isabelle Jänicke. In this workshop the focus will be on correspondence with prisoners, packages, visits and solidarity in front of the prison. The workshop will flow into a collective writing-café. Postcards, paper and stamps will be provided, but you’re also invited to bring your own materials.
Pas de problème, ça va encore ? Ce que l’équipement d’escalade peut vraiment supporter:
14h00 – 17h00
We want to talk about the characteristics of climbing equipment we get in touch with in the Hambach Forest. Besides an introduction of the different kinds of materials and their characteristics we’ll take a close look on signs of wear and the assessment of used climbing equipment or structures in trees. We also take a closer look on how to use and take care of your climbing equipment.
Les nœuds d’escalade et ce que vous pouvez faire avec eux (partie 1)
17h30 – 19h00
We want to talk about the basics of tying knots. After that we’ll look at different climbing knots, how to tie and use them and which characteristics they’ve got. In partie 1 we’ll look at the nœud de prusik, the overhand knot, the double overhand knot (with sling), the double fisherman knot and the figure eight knot.
### 09/28/ Mercredi ###
Science d’arbres
10h00 – 12:00
Contact avec les flics et les gens de la sécurité
13h00 – 17h00
We want to start with the legal basis around contact with cops and securities. Then we’ll leave the gray theory behind and have a look at what’s actually happening and jointly search for as many possibilities as we can for dealing with that.
Les nœuds d’escalade et ce que vous pouvez faire avec eux (partie 2)
partie 2 is basing on partie 1. So please only join us if you’ve been taking part in partie 1. This time we’ll talk about the alpine butterfly knot, the clove hitch, italian hitch and the distel knot.
Séance de remue-méninges – Projet anti-autoritaire sur grande échelle 2017
13h00 – 16h00
Lecture avec Rehzi Malzahn « Comment maintenir l’activisme »
Left activism is something for young people – when you are 30 other things will be more important and you’ll « leave the scene”. Is that true? When the author was 30 she was still in the middle of activism. But peers of the same age became less and the doubts grew: Onedimensional theories, always the same slogans, conflicts in the scene and lack of perspectives, and in addition your group falls apart. So, how does it work to continue fighting?
Avec 25 interviews this book examines the question: how older companer?s as left people in society and as older people in the left can life: How did they sustained with their activism? And: What are they doing? It’s about frustration and motivation, doubts, fears and passion, as well as the troubles of daily life, having a long breath, inner attitude and the searching for a good life.
Rehzi Malzahn will read a selection of the interviews. Afterwards the main topic is which doubts and questions the audience has. How do you experience your activism? Why do you do it? And what are you doing? Did you ever thought about finishing? What happens with the anger, the critic, the searching for a good life? There are no wrong questions, instead many different approaches. Interesting is what is important for you.
### 09/29/ Jeudi ###
Photographie d’actions
10h00 – 13h00
Avec Pay Numrich http://feinfrisch.net/
Secourir des personnes impuissantes dans des situations d’escalade.
14h00 – 17h00
What to do when your climbing mates are exhausted and/or disoriented, unconscious or hurt. Besides medical basics on the situation « helpless person in a tree” this workshop is about bringing helpless persons back to the ground. A big part of this workshop will be to practise rescueing, so bring your climbing equipment. The practical part of this workshop is just for experienced people which are able to climb safely.
Lecture « Contraception et prévention de maladies vénériennes »
14h00 – 17h00
Avec queer_topia*.
Lecture sur l’anti-répression – Limitation des dégâts ou contre-attaque offensive ?
It’s about the mechanisms of repression and about pointing out possibilities how to or even punctually undermine them. That means practical approaches for anti repression work as well as always considering the needs of affected persons.
### 09/30 Vendredi ###
Construction de traverses
10h00 – 13h00
Secourir des personnes impuissantes dans des situations d’escalade. – Partie 2
14h00 – 16h00
Flirter sur la scène gauchiste
14h00 – 19h00
« May I give you a compliment about your dancing-style?” – workshop for exchange about pleasant flirting.
How does it work with flirting in the « normal » world? How does it work in the left_queer scene? And what does my utopia of flirting look like? Flirting is a word which brings up not mainly positive thoughts_feelings. We would like to change that:)
In this workshop we would like to go together the first steps to a pleasant (party) flirt atmosphare.
For that we come close to the consent-principle (sexual consent) with little games, share experiences and experiment.
Avec queer_topia*.
Dangereux? Je suis sécurisé* – Les risques de tomber au cours de l’escalade d’action
17h00 – 18h00
We want to talk about different kinds auf falls and there dangers. Besides dangers we want to look at safety chains and how to build them in a way we can reduce dangers.
### 10/01/ Samedi ###
Queer Edge – ein Lecture
11h00 – 13h00
Avec queer_topia*, the radical_queer_feminist_workshop_collective, http://queertopia.blogsport.de/
Comment représenter mes préoccupations de façon persistante et non-violente – mon propre rôle dans des conflits
14h00 – 19h00
Avec « Mediation für Alle – Cologne » http://mediation-fuer-alle.org/
Painting and drawing and any other people on the meadow
14h00 – 17h00
Dear children, dear grown-ups,
Forest and meadow
- places where numberless colours and shapes life
- places that are threatened by the lack of judgement of other people
- places that can inspire to draw pictures according to you your own fantasy
Therefore will be a possibility on Samedi, 10/1, from 2-5 pm, together with Mechtild Lohmanns (http://www.loh-art.de).
The material will be provided, the artist welcomes a voluntary contribution to expenses.
### 10/02/ Dimanche ###
Activisme? Oui, moi aussi j’ai fait ça… autrefois, dans ces deux ou trois ans sauvages
10h00 – 13h00
The average time that people stay in activist and resistance scenes often enough is regrettably short. I want to encourage to ask how we can build up structures in which people see a perspective, so that they don’t break away from their being resistant, because it doesn’t offer them a future. Let’s talk about protection against depoliticization, about family planning, solidarity and perspectives for a resistant life. About common economies, a solidary handling of money, infrastructure and living space as a counter-model to individualized wage labour without becoming isolated islands and always with the focus on staying stay unconciliatory, uncomfortable and militant.
I was confronted with former activists asking me, how much longer this phase of mine would be going and if I don’t want to become « normal” at some point. I watched close intimates and compas change from nuclear waste transport blockaders to lobbyists within a few years. I’ve experienced how hard it is to trust new people over and over again and to get involved in new groups, because I’ve been disappointed so often. The remaining people often work too much, overload themselves and burn out. How can we prevent that? How do we help ourselves and others? And: Could it maybe be liberating to give up the illusion that we can save the whole world? Because this might prevent us from giving up in frustration, when we realize that we might be able to change the world but can’t save it?
Avec fulltime activist Hanna Poddig.
Masculinité critique
14h00 – 19h00
« Respect for all boys*, who support our fights. » – Atelier sur masculinité critique
In this workshop we will deal with the topic man*hoods. What does man*hood actually mean? How can I handle (my) man*hoods? How and when do I use/perform them? Where does (my) man*hoods limit myself?
### 10/4/ Mardi ###
Exercices de la pédagogie de nature sauvage
Lecture: Thèses – Changement de système, pas de changement climatique. Mais comment ?
### 24/9 Samedi ###
Notions de base de la façon anarchiste de penser et d’agir
16h30 – 19h00
Avec le BildungsKollektiv e.V. http://biko.arranca.de/
Réunion d’accueil
### 25/9 Dimanche ###
Des expériences positives avec faire de la politique et de se rassurer réciproquement
10h00 – 16h00
« And then they ran away from us… » – Workshop about positive experiences and reassurance with doing politics
« Hey, how was the demonstration? » So the conservation often starts. What went wrong? Who didn‘t come at all? Who bloked? And in the end there stays the question if all the running, freezing, the bruises, the printing of flyers, the preparation of speeches changed anything. If it’s the talk with your person in love or the last blockade – everything is political. In this workshop we will deal together with you with the positive aspects of doing politics, to reassure and motivate one another.
Avec Queer_topia*, le radical_queer_feminist_workshop_collective http://queertopia.blogsport.de/
16h30 – 19h00
Avec les Rote Nasen Ruhr.
### 09/26/ Lundi ###
DIY Brico de godemichés
14h00 – 16h00
Dans cet atelier nous voulons construire des godes à partir de truc que d’autre gens appelleraient des déchets, et du ruban adhésif de tissu ducktape 🙂
Anti repression
14h00 – 16h00
Qu’est-ce et qu’est-ce que fait un ( Ermittlungsausschuss ) comité d’enquête ?
Avec l’AntiRRR: http://antirrr.blogsport.de/
Asexualität – an introduction
16h30 – 19h00
Avec Queer_topia*, dem radical_queer_feminist_workshop_collective http://queertopia.blogsport.de/
Concert with David Rovics
### 09/27/ TUESDAY ###
Practical Prison Preparation for going-to-be-prisoners
10h00 – 13h00
Holger Isabelle Jänicke, who has herself had the chance to gather quite some experience as a prisoner, will share tips for self-support and contact with other prisoners and supporters. The focus will be on practical and psychological aspects, but also some juridical hint will be given.
Supporting prisoners and writing letters
14h00 – 16h30
Also with Holger Isabelle Jänicke. In this workshop the focus will be on correspondence with prisoners, packages, visits and solidarity in front of the prison. The workshop will flow into a collective writing-café. Postcards, paper and stamps will be provided, but you’re also invited to bring your own materials.
Come on, it’ll still do it? What climbing equipment really can endure:
14h00 – 17h00
We want to talk about the characteristics of climbing equipment we get in touch with in the Hambach Forest. Besides an introduction of the different kinds of materials and their characteristics we’ll take a close look on signs of wear and the assessment of used climbing equipment or structures in trees. We also take a closer look on how to use and take care of your climbing equipment.
Climbing knots and what you can do with them (Part 1)
17h30 – 19h00
We want to talk about the basics of tying knots. After that we’ll look at different climbing knots, how to tie and use them and which characteristics they’ve got. In Part 1 we’ll look at the nœud de prusik, the overhand knot, the double overhand knot (with sling), the double fisherman knot and the figure eight knot.
### 09/28/ Mercredi ###
Tree science
10h00 – 12:00
Contact with cops and securities
13h00 – 17h00
We want to start with the legal basis around contact with cops and securities. Then we’ll leave the gray theory behind and have a look at what’s actually happening and jointly search for as many possibilities as we can for dealing with that.
Climbing knots and what you can do with them (Part 2)
Part 2 is basing on Part 1. So please only join us if you’ve been taking part in Part 1. This time we’ll talk about the alpine butterfly knot, the clove hitch, italian hitch and the distel knot.
Séance de remue-méninges – Projet anti-autoritaire sur grande échelle 2017
13h00 – 16h00
Lecture avec Rehzi Malzahn « Comment maintenir l’activisme »
Left activism is something for young people – when you are 30 other things will be more important and you’ll « leave the scene”. Is that true? When the author was 30 she was still in the middle of activism. But peers of the same age became less and the doubts grew: Onedimensional theories, always the same slogans, conflicts in the scene and lack of perspectives, and in addition your group falls apart. So, how does it work to continue fighting?
Avec 25 interviews this book examines the question: how older companer?s as left people in society and as older people in the left can life: How did they sustained with their activism? And: What are they doing? It’s about frustration and motivation, doubts, fears and passion, as well as the troubles of daily life, having a long breath, inner attitude and the searching for a good life.
Rehzi Malzahn will read a selection of the interviews. Afterwards the main topic is which doubts and questions the audience has. How do you experience your activism? Why do you do it? And what are you doing? Did you ever thought about finishing? What happens with the anger, the critic, the searching for a good life? There are no wrong questions, instead many different approaches. Interesting is what is important for you.
### 09/29/ Jeudi ###
Photographie d’actions
10h00 – 13h00
Avec Pay Numrich http://feinfrisch.net/
Secourir des personnes impuissantes dans des situations d’escalade. – Partie 1
14h00 – 17h00
What to do when your climbing mates are exhausted and/or disoriented, unconscious or hurt. Besides medical basics on the situation « helpless person in a tree” this workshop is about bringing helpless persons back to the ground. A big part of this workshop will be to practise rescueing, so bring your climbing equipment. The practical part of this workshop is just for experienced people which are able to climb safely.
Lecture « Contraception et prévention de maladies vénériennes »
14h00 – 17h00
Avec queer_topia*.
Lecture sur l’anti-répression – Limitation des dégâts ou contre-attaque offensive ?
It’s about the mechanisms of repression and about pointing out possibilities how to or even punctually undermine them. That means practical approaches for anti repression work as well as always considering the needs of affected persons.
### 09/30 Vendredi ###
Construction de traverses
10h00 – 13h00
Rescuing helpless persons in climbing situations. – Partie 2
14h00 – 16h00
Flirter sur la scène gauchiste
14h00 – 19h00
« May I give you a compliment about your dancing-style?” – workshop for exchange about pleasant flirting.
How does it work with flirting in the « normal » world? How does it work in the left_queer scene? And what does my utopia of flirting look like? Flirting is a word which brings up not mainly positive thoughts_feelings. We would like to change that:)
In this workshop we would like to go together the first steps to a pleasant (party) flirt atmosphare.
For that we come close to the consent-principle (sexual consent) with little games, share experiences and experiment.
Avec queer_topia*.
Dangereux? Je suis sécurisé* – Les risques de tomber au cours de l’escalade d’action
17h00 – 18h00
We want to talk about different kinds auf falls and there dangers. Besides dangers we want to look at safety chains and how to build them in a way we can reduce dangers.
### 10/01/ Samedi ###
Queer Edge – ein Lecture
11h00 – 13h00
Avec queer_topia*, the radical_queer_feminist_workshop_collective, http://queertopia.blogsport.de/
How to represent your concerns persistently & non-violent – own role in conflicts
14h00 – 19h00
Avec « Mediation für Alle – Cologne » http://mediation-fuer-alle.org/
Painting and drawing and any other people on the meadow
14h00 – 17h00
Dear children, dear grown-ups,
Forest and meadow
- places where numberless colours and shapes life
- places that are threatened by the lack of judgement of other people
- places that can inspire to draw pictures according to you your own fantasy
Therefore will be a possibility on Samedi, 10/1, from 2-5 pm, together with Mechtild Lohmanns (http://www.loh-art.de).
The material will be provided, the artist welcomes a voluntary contribution to expenses.
### 10/02/ Dimanche ###
Activism? Yes, I’ve also been doing that… back then, in those two or three wild years
10h00 – 13h00
The average time that people stay in activist and resistance scenes often enough is regrettably short. I want to encourage to ask how we can build up structures in which people see a perspective, so that they don’t break away from their being resistant, because it doesn’t offer them a future. Let’s talk about protection against depoliticization, about family planning, solidarity and perspectives for a resistant life. About common economies, a solidary handling of money, infrastructure and living space as a counter-model to individualized wage labour without becoming isolated islands and always with the focus on staying stay unconciliatory, uncomfortable and militant.
I was confronted with former activists asking me, how much longer this phase of mine would be going and if I don’t want to become « normal” at some point. I watched close intimates and compas change from nuclear waste transport blockaders to lobbyists within a few years. I’ve experienced how hard it is to trust new people over and over again and to get involved in new groups, because I’ve been disappointed so often. The remaining people often work too much, overload themselves and burn out. How can we prevent that? How do we help ourselves and others? And: Could it maybe be liberating to give up the illusion that we can save the whole world? Because this might prevent us from giving up in frustration, when we realize that we might be able to change the world but can’t save it?
Avec fulltime activist Hanna Poddig.
critical man*hood
14h00 – 19h00
« Respect for all boys*, who support our fights. » – Workshop about critical man*hood
In this workshop we will deal with the topic man*hoods. What does man*hood actually mean? How can I handle (my) man*hoods? How and when do I use/perform them? Where does (my) man*hoods limit myself?
### 10/4/ TUESDAY ###
Exercises from the wilderness pedagogy
Lecture: System Change not climate change – But how?