
We take a stand against environmental destruction, profit interests and state repression. State organisations try at all cost to stop our resistance. No matter whether they baste, fine or lock us up: With our solidarity we are stronger than them.


Trials and juristic affairs regurlarly keep us busy. Be solidaric and come to those events and show your support.

Groups against repression and prisons

In custody

Currently no one from the anti coal movement in the rhineland area is in prison. However worldwide many people are imprisoned for their employment against environmental destruction.

Be solidary & write letters:
List of prisoners

Information sur répression

la plupart en allemand

Support other prisoners!

Here you find experiences and memory minutes of people, who want to share their repression stories with you. See also all entries of activists in prison.

Articles et rapports sur répression

« untenlassen » (suppress coal not protest)
Call for court support

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